Free «The Issue of Evolution of Monogamy in "Love in the Time of Monkeys"» Essay
The scholars often pay particular attention to exploration of the pair bond relations between males and females. Hence, the issue of monogamy in the species, particularly those closer to humans based on their characteristics, has become widely explored in the literature. Thus, the authors of the article entitled “Love in the Time of Monkeys” Fernandez-Duque and Finkel have focused on the monogamy phenomenon among monkeys, who are considered by many as the closest human ancestors. The authors claim that love and creation of pairs are closely interrelated with a specific set of ecological and biological factors rather than the influences of language, religion, and technology. They provided an in-depth analysis and examples from life and observation to prove the thesis. The sequence of the arguments may sometimes seem illogical in the paper. However, the numerical data and qualitative analysis make the evidence of the article convincing to provide the background information about the issues as well explain the position of the scholars.
The main phenomenon explored in the article was the choice of the pair by primates. In order to assess the underlying reasons of monogamy and polygamy, the authors have referred to definite ideas and their gradual proving or denial. As a result, one can define the research as an argumentative one because the primary statement was that monogamy is very rare phenomenon among primates. Limitation of the male energy and potential is regarded as the main reason for the absence of monogamy. In order to support the argument, Duque and Finkel (2014) provide the related evidence about the female representative with maximum children versus the example of a male. Nevertheless, the further arguments discover another point of view and provide the example that monogamy may happen among monkeys. The structure of the paper may confuse the readers, as it seems illogical. The writers finally present a clear definition necessary to provide the understanding of the issue from various perspectives.
Moreover, the authors combine the formal tone together with the informal explanations to provide the clear idea to the readers, who may have different background knowledge on monogamy. As a result, the study becomes comprehensible for the audience, which is not involved in the scientific studies of monogamy. Moreover, the paper stays reliable due to the usage of the appropriate statistics. In the study, one can find two types of the monkeys’ names: the one used by scholars and by ordinary people. Azara's owl monkeys are named Aotus azarae in science and mirikiná by the local people. The explanations of species are also clear for any person and the notion of biparental care is common for humans. Hence, the similar type of behavior is represented among monkeys. The parallel between the two species not only allows the reader to remember that humans as well as monkeys belong to primates, but also provides a better understanding of the process and the idea of the possible outer influence on the unit. The main function conducted by the mother was nursing and constant presence around infants. At the same time, the most part of playing games and carrying was conducted by the males. The notion was generalized and served as the first step in the description of the common boundaries existing in the families of monkeys under investigation.
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One more interesting aspect of the study was the existence of genetic monogamy, which not only a social phenomenon. The aspect was defined and supported with the empirical evidences based mostly on one of the authors’ observation. The researcher examined the nature of relationships and the level of protection of the male and female owl monkeys. As a result, it was proved that owl monkeys are territorial. Moreover, the ecological factors have a considerable impact on their life. The readers find proof in the above phenomenon through the quantitative data presented as the percentage of newly born offspring in naturally formed couples as compared to the couples, where one of the partners was replaced. Therefore, presentation of the experiment with the detailed description of the procedure makes the readers understand the information better. In addition, the usage of the questions throughout the article improves the logical flow and comprehension. Moreover, the presentation allows the readers to reflect on the information right after they read it and feel as if participating in the discussion.
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Thus, as there was no extra-pair copulation observed during the study and the results of paternity were absolute, the main goal and hypotheses of the research were completely acknowledged. It was proved that owl monkey mates are always monogamous, which leads to the conclusion they are socially and genetically monogamous. The findings are crucial in social biology. Although social monogamy has evolved, the genetic monogamy is still not absolute, the understanding of its reasons may lead to the improvement.
I believe that the research is important as the issue of fidelity and family has always worried the professionals in different scientific spheres from psychologists to poets. The phenomenon of a pair bond, attachment, or love that exists in a couple with a commitment to share space, time, resources, offspring, and labor has always distinguished Homo sapiens from the other species. The researches similar to “Love in the Time of Monkeys” can help to understand the nature of humans’ relationship as well.
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The authors represented the idea and then supplied it with all the necessary evidence. The article included accurate results of the experiments and observations. The structure allowed the readers to learn the theoretical data accompanied with the details from real life. The chain of facts and information was effective in proving the main hypothesis of biological influence on the monogamy in couples.
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