Free «Effective Marketing Strategies in Tourism Industry» Essay

Free «Effective Marketing Strategies in Tourism Industry» Essay

Tourism is travelling to explore new destinations. Tourists are people who travel to different destinations for leisure, business or any other purpose apart from residing in the new destination for more than a year. Tourists know about new destinations to visit through marketing strategies put in place by the marketing agents in tourism industry. This paper focuses on three different journal articles that have researched some of the best marketing strategies in the tourism industry.

Ahmed, Z. U., & Krohn, F. B. (January 01, 1990). Reversing The United States' Declining Competitiveness In The Marketing Of International Tourism: A Perspective On Future Policy. Journal of Travel Research, 29, 2, 23-29.

This article is a study on the decline in levels and status of tourism and tourists in America. It highlights the measure America needs to undertake to revamp the tourism sector especially its international arrivals. The competitiveness to European countries grew with stability in the continent with America still in cold war with the USSR. This article stipulates various measure including marketing strategies to use to reactivate international tourism. There are different proposed marketing strategies in the article whose implementation would make the U.S a tourism giant.


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Clark, H. (December 01, 1996). Diverse developments in travel and tourism marketing: a thematic approach. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 8, 7, 33.

This article highlights the importance of collaborations of different agents of tourism in marketing for destinations and products. The themes used continue to favor destination marketing which the author of this article disputes. The author states that other channels should be followed to market tourist destinations as well as develop new destinations and tourist products to grow the industry.

Buhalis, D. (January 01, 1998). Strategic use of information technologies in the tourism industry. Tourism Management, 19, 5, 409-422.

This article was published two years before the end of last millennium and with the technological changes that the new millennium presented, the author of this article new that tourism sector would have to change with these changes. The technological advancement did come and changed how business and communication took place before. The tourism industry has improved globally especially with the new marketing tools available including social networking.

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The above articles have more input material to the study question on effective marketing strategies in the tourism industry, as they compare the past trends to the current trends used in the industry. There is more to gather for marketing in tourism especially with new channels of communication being developed in modern times.

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