Free «Dan Everett's research among the Pirah disproves Noam Chomsky's Theory» Essay

Free «Dan Everett's research among the Pirah disproves Noam Chomsky's Theory» Essay

I agree with the proposition that Dan Everett’s research disproves Chomsky’s theory of Universal grammar. Everett’s research disproves the key aspect of Universal grammar that is laid down by Chomsky. An analogy of this is a situation whereby small circles are drawn and embedded within a larger circle. The small circles then absorb more meaning and occupy less space. Similarly, if small clauses and chunks of phrases are embedded within a large sentence composition, then they can be effective in communicating an idea we wish to put across (Sahel & Daniel, 2011). The art of embedding the small clauses is termed as recursion (Everett & Daniel). Noam says that recursion is the corner stone of every language that is spoken on this earth. So in a way, it is considered to be absolute universal (Petrel, 2012).

This is somewhat attributed to the idea of modular integration whereby single aspects are combined and integrated to achieve a common purpose. Dan Everett disputes this theory as untrue and somewhat unfounded. He stipulated that Chomsky’s theory that grammar was Universal was not accurate since the language of these tribes’ people lacked recursion. Steven Pinker presents Chomsky’s suggestion that if a scientist who was a Martian came to earth, he would come to the conclusion that aside from their mutually unintelligible vocabularies, earthlings speak a single language (1994, p. 232). Everett greatly disproves this theory as in factual since it lacks the elements of absolute language proposed by Chomsky. It is this aspect that makes me agree with Everett on the disapproval of Chomsky’s theory. Everett further disproves this theory in his book "Do not Sleep There Are Snakes"(Everett, 2008).

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