Free «Convincing a Relative to Get a Computer» Essay

Free «Convincing a Relative to Get a Computer» Essay

Living without a computer and Internet access today may turn an educated individual into a helpless child in a lot of personal and professional settings. Owning a computer and being able to go online is extremely important in the modern society because of the ability to be in touch with other people as well as having an access to a wealth of information. A computer with an Internet access can help a person to find out various facts about a variety of subjects without the need to go to the library. Quickly looking up something that just temporarily slipped form one’s mind is much easier with an online search. Moreover, the computer and the Internet have become invaluable resources for professional and academic purposes. One can go through the whole education process online and receive a degree via distance learning. There are also a lot of individual courses offered by respectable organizations and universities around the globe that can become a great addition for one’s resume or hobbies. As for work-related activities, it is difficult to imagine a profession that does not require a use of a computer at some point. As an example, online conferencing has made the communication and cooperation between countries much easier and more productive. Even if you work as a gardener, for instance, and think that Internet and computers are irrelevant for you, think about the opportunity to take part in different professional forums and enriching your knowledge base.


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Besides purely utilitarian purposes, the computer and the Internet are also extremely valuable as tools for communication. This kind of technology allows you to talk to your loved ones regardless of geographical location and time zone. Writing e-mails takes less time and there is no danger of a post office losing your correspondence. Furthermore, all the wonderful memories from the family time spending can be conveniently stored in a digital format. There is no denying the fact that computer facilitates human activities and opens possibilities for new experiences. For the reasons described above, one has to seriously consider buying a computer and getting online.

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