How to Create an Excellent Self-Reflective Essay

As with any other type of writing, this essay should consist of three main parts, namely an introduction, a body and a conclusion. If you omit any of them, it will lead to a failed self-reflective essay. Here are some tips, which everyone will find useful when writing a self-reflective essay.

Why Is the Essay Introduction Important?

If you wish to create a superb self-reflective essay, this part will set the foundation for your paper. A self-reflective essay is written to convey author’s personal attitude towards a specific issue. It may be used to reflect personal opinion concerning a newly read book or a recently watched movie, but it is not limited to creative arts only. You may have run across this type of writing when going over a movie or a book review.

When writing a self-reflective essay, the author is not obliged to carry out a profound research like in other types of writing. The main goal is to convey one’s personal opinion or impression. The writer is not supposed to make any references, as the self-reflective essay is based on the personal impression only. Any subjective strengths and weaknesses of the element under discussion are provided on the basis of gained experience. The author may also depict his/her private emotional and moral growth.

Self-Reflective Essay Tips

  • In this type of writing the author is supposed to use mainly first person as he is going to convey his/her attitude towards a specific matter. Therefore, use statements like “I believe”, “in my opinion” in order to stress the fact that you present your personal opinion.
  • The introduction of the self-reflective essay should not exceed ten sentences. Do not make it under five sentences as well. Start introducing your opinion in the introduction with a short synopsis.
  • A thesis statement is the core element of any introduction. Usually it comprises one sentence only.
  • In the main body, you are supposes to support your thesis with respective evidence.
  • A typical paper body is three or more paragraphs long. When making a plan and a draft of your self-reflective essay, you should determine what part of the matter you wish to discuss in each separate paragraph. You need to create a smooth transition from one paragraph to another and make sure it is all related to the thesis statement.
  • The conclusion should include a highlight of your personal experience or lessons learnt in the process. Do not repeat the ideas that you have reviewed in the body of the paper. Make all the points simple so that the reader does not get confused. You may discuss the importance of the gained knowledge for future and even discuss where you or the reader may apply it.

Just keep in mind the main goal of the self-reflective essay. You need to indicate your personal attitude in terms of the subject under discussion. Avoid any excessive research, as the opinion needs to be based on your personal ideas. You may have to investigate the subject matter better if you lack information about it. Keep in mind the typical structure of any essay. In the end, it is all about the approach that you choose. Besides, do not hesitate to ask the professor for a piece of advice if you have any doubts. All of the above will help you write a great self-reflective essay.

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