How to Survive the Exam Season

Student life is not only about having fun and discovering the universe of truly amazing classic literature. Even bookworms suffer during exam season because it means they should put their favorite science fiction or gothic novels aside in order to delve into the incessant labyrinths of textbooks and lecture notes. Cramming for the upcoming tests is always frustrating. Even if you simply start to imagine yourself taking the exam and forgetting all the answers, this gloomy fantasy gives you the creeps.

Don’t listen to your inner pessimist – read the following tips that will help you to organize the mess in your brain and overcome pre-examination stress.

The Exams are Not Far Away

Don’t comfort yourself thinking that you have plenty of time to prepare for the exams. Better get rid of all the reasons that make you procrastinate and start revising the necessary material.

Organize Your Time

Creating a study plan relieves you of much stress and makes you organized. Wonderfully, you wake up every morning, knowing where to start. This time, it’s wise to listen to your instructors who continuously emphasize the importance of a revision timetable.


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Don’t Turn into a Desperate Crammer

Though some geeks continuously repeat that they study for 20 hours a day, it doesn’t mean you should do the same. To tell you the truth, even geniuses don’t dedicate so much time to work. It means that people usually exaggerate their productivity to look cleverer than they are. Study intensely but also take regular breaks.

Create Your Own Schedule

Some groupmates may want to assure you that waking up early in order to study for exams is the most fruitful approach. Others would say that night studying is peaceful and inspiring because it fills your mind with innovative ideas. Both approaches may appear to be inefficient for you, so find your happy medium.

Change the Atmosphere

Even if you want to fully concentrate on studying, it’s wrong to lock yourself up in your room. Changing the scene revitalizes your mind. So, find some beautiful bookish coffee shop and spend some time there revising. Then try studying at the local library as well as a picturesque park. You will feel the difference.

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Indulge in Something Enjoyable

You have to do something that helps you relax and inspires you. These pleasant activities may vary, depending on your personal interests and tastes. While some culture vultures relax while contemplating high art and reading French poetry, others enjoy taking a bath with lavender foam and candles or baking delicious cupcakes. Such moments of indulgence will make you refreshed and ready to revise even more.

Don’t Worry, Be Happy

After you revised as much material as possible, the examination day finally comes. Even if you answered all the questions, you suddenly face yet another frustration. Not knowing your results often feeds your imagination making you feel that you have failed. Such pessimism just doesn’t make sense – what’s done is done.

Of course, if you tried our tips in practice, we are sure that you’ve done everything you could in order to succeed.

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