What to Dress When You Go to the Job Interview?

What comes to your mind when you are asked about a success in job interview? Is it skills, prior experience, a million-dollar resume? Yeah, you are definitely right if all these things come to your mind. However, there is another important factor, which is the outfit you choose. You might be an employee of the year, but if the interviewer does not like your looks, he/she might well refuse to hire you.

According to the statistics, 37% of employers rejected their potential workers because of their appearance. What is more, 65% of employers claim that clothes can be a decisive factor when having to choose between 2-3 candidates.
Therefore, if you want to get a long-wished position, follow our tips what to wear when choosing your interview clothes:

1. Prefer pastel colors to bright ones

Do not make people be distracted with the bright color of your outfit. Clothes should be chosen in such a way that they do not prevail over your personality and charisma. You will want your interviewer to focus on you and not on your bright pink blouse or scarlet red trousers.
Stick to neutral colors, e.g. grey, white or beige. If you want to add something bright to your image, just wear some scarf, tie or jewelry.


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2. Always prefer a Bespoke Suit

If you are wearing a loose suit, it might make an impression as though you have borrowed it from your father. Therefore, invest in a bespoke suit; it will always serve you right. If you think that people cannot judge you basing on what you wear, you are perfectly right. But the attitude, which you take to choose your clothes, is a sign of your general approach to making life decisions.

3. Stick to “smart casual style”

Smart casual style will help you to strike a balance if you are always hesitating what to wear. Wear a jacket over a dress or with a shirt and blouse. Besides, you might want to put on a blazer or a jacket over a polo. You will not have formal office look but will be quite presentable and neat.

4. Be careful with tattoos, facial hair, cosmetics, and jewelry.

Browse some information on the Internet regarding the company policy, dress code, etc. Only after that you can decide whether to put your tattoo on display, whether to shave or not, what jewelry or makeup to wear.

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5. Be attentive to details

Your neat and tidy appearance is a sign of how attentive you are to details. For instance, interviewers notice whether your shoes are polished or not, whether your nails are manicured, what posture you have, whether your clothes are free of wrinkles, etc. If you have pets, do not forget about the lint roller!
As you see, apart from having experience and necessary skills, you should also be neat and good-looking. Therefore, spend enough time to choose the best outfit when going to an interview.

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