Free «Buddhism vs. Hinduism and Confucianism » Essay
Comparison of Buddhism with Hinduism and Confucianism
Buddhism is a famous religion founded by Siddhartha Gautama. He is more popular as Buddha. Buddhism was first started in India in ancient times. Later, it became more widespread in China, Japan, and Korea. Buddha spread Buddhism all over the world during his lifetime. This religion offers religious and political alternatives to Hinduism in India and Confucianism in China. For example, Buddhism has similar views about life and karma to the ones in Hinduism. Both religions began in India, and their followers believe in polytheism. However, Buddhists have a choice to be atheists, polytheists, and monotheists. Thus, Buddhism helps Indian communities to focus on a prayer or meditation instead of believing in hundreds of gods and goddesses (Jayaram).
Similarly, followers of Chinese Confucianism and Buddhism believe that it is futile to worship gods. Both, Confucius and Buddha taught their disciples that worshiping gods might keep an individual in the wheel of life. Buddha believed that people should pay attention to reaching nirvana. Moreover, Confucius and Buddha did not consider spiritual beliefs and mysteries of life, but they never discredited the soul power (“Confucian Responses”). Besides, Buddha taught his disciples that desire is a cause of pain, misery, and sufferings. Besides, some of the Hindu religious texts have similar views. For example, the Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads state that attachment and desire may promote suffering and bondage. Thus, both religions oppose attachment and desire (Jayaram).
Moreover, both Buddhism and Confucianism consider wisdom as the fundamental aspect of life. Most of the Chinese political parties are influenced by the teachings of Buddha and Confucius. Politicians recognize wisdom as perfect enlightenment and understanding of human life. Furthermore, the Chinese people show interest in reflection and meditation as part of religious practice, which are necessary fundamentals of Buddhism (“Confucian Responses”).
In addition, Buddhism helps the Indian political system to reduce the caste system. For example, in ancient times, a higher caste could control people belonging to lower castes. Such traditions may result in a collapse of country’s democracy. Thus, Buddhism shows that people from all castes should have equal rights and responsibilities. This religion has increased the human rights of lower castes of the Hindu people in India. As a result, untouchable Hindus converted to Buddhism. As Indian political parties support equal rights of all Indians, they are alternatively influenced by Buddhism (Jayaram).
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Confucius taught his Chinese disciples that elderly people are the wisest. Therefore, they should receive authorities and respect among the young generation. He considered that people could acquire wisdom through studying, hearing, and experience. Similarly, Buddha taught his disciples to respect all people and animals. Currently, most of the Chinese communities follow Confucius’s teachings. For example, as far as the political system is concerned, the Chinese people attach great importance to the senior authorities. Moreover, Buddhism altered the Chinese material culture. It helped to create a dynamic society in China by discarding material interests (“Confucian Responses”).
The Way Buddhism Challenges Hinduism and Confucianism
Buddhism challenges Hinduism and Confucianism by identifying the weaknesses of these religions. It is connected with the fact that Buddha was brought up in a Hindu family, did not like some of the Hindu religious traditions. For example, he opposed the caste system of Hinduism. Buddha taught his disciples that all people were equal and must have similar rights. Moreover, Buddha did not believe in the super power of gods and goddesses. In addition, Hinduism recognizes four main purposes of human life, such as a religious duty, material possession, desires and passion, and salvation. On the other hand, Buddhism considers that material possessions and desires are the main causes of suffering. Therefore, this religion recognizes only two purposes of life. Its followers are practicing the teachings of Buddha and liberation or nirvana. In addition, Buddhism opposes the Hindu stages of life. Buddha taught that people could join at any time. It depends on one’s spiritual preparedness only. Nevertheless, Buddhists do not believe in holy creatures of Hinduism. For example, Hinduism believes that the cow is a holy animal. Therefore, people should pray and take care of the latter. However, Buddha opposed such believes. He taught that all creatures are equal (Jayaram).
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Moreover, Buddhism challenges Confucianism by addressing different views on human life. For example, Confucius taught that one should perform duties for their family and country. He focused on the improvement of one’s personality. On the other hand, Buddha taught his disciples that it was possible to get rid of suffering and desires by detaching from relationships. Buddha taught that people should avoid the interest of material things and relationships. Moreover, he believed that people should try to live subjecting to the force of nature instead of trying to use their own force. In addition, followers of Confucianism believe that men are superior to women. On the contrary, Buddhists believe that both women and men are equal, and they have certain duties according to their genders. Thus, Chinese women achieve more freedom in Buddhism than Confucianism. Nevertheless, Buddhism teaches that the god is not a creator of the world, so people should not worship gods or ancestors (“Confucian Responses”).
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The above discussion leads to the conclusion that Buddhism offers religious and political alternatives to Hinduism in India and Confucianism in China. It has a variety of similar views with these two religions. For example, both Hinduism and Buddhism believe in karma and rebirth. Both religions show interest in reflection and meditation. Similarly, Buddhism and Confucianism consider wisdom as the fundamental aspect of life. However, the former challenges Hinduism and Confucianism by showing weak sides of these religions or philosophies. For example, Hinduism supports the caste system, which separates higher castes from lower ones, but Buddhism teaches that all human beings are equal and should not be divided into different castes. Likewise, followers of Confucianism believe that men are superior to women, but Buddhism strictly opposes gender inequalities. Thus, it challenges Hinduism and Confucianism.
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