Free «Self-Determination in Performance Context» Essay

Free «Self-Determination in Performance Context» Essay


Human beings are centrally motivated by the need to grow and personal fulfilment. In this regard, people tend to be either proactive or passive in a performance context depending largely on the internal and external environments in which they act and develop. Motivation to perform and establish self-development is dependent on various factors in an individual’s life. External rewards such as monetary gains, prizes, social statuses and acclaims are the common factors that motivate individuals to act and perform effectively in a given task.

However, development of self-determination theory brought forth a comprehensive outlook on internal factors that motivate individuals to grow and achieve personal satisfaction. Self-determination theory primarily emphasizes on internal sources of motivation such as a natural and innate need of human beings to gain independence and accumulate knowledge through personal experience as an avenue of developing a sense of self-identity. Current paper presents a discussion of self-determination theory in performance context and the levels of motivation within the theory. Additionally, the paper also discusses various factors of performance environment in order to promote a self-determined state.


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Self-Determination Theory

According to studies on human nature, the most detailed representation of mankind identifies human beings as curious, energetic, knowledge seekers and self-motivated creatures. In best case scenarios, human beings strive to learn and master new skills, applying them in order to maximize their abilities. Thus, most people are viewed to be committed and exerting considerable efforts to make their lives positive and satisfactory.

However, to forge ahead human spirit can diminish or entirely be crushed by internal and external implications that are inevitable in the society. Often, people need a support system and motivational avenues to fuel their needs to enhance personal growth and development amid negative constraints. External rewards, as mentioned above,  are common motivational drivers. According to psychological studies, rewards such as money, prizes and acclaims can only motivate an individual to a certain extent (Deci & Ryan, 2011). Therefore, the need to adopt internal sources of motivation, which foster a personal sense of growth and satisfaction, is fundamental.

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The self-determination theory (SDT) is a broader approach in the study of human motivation and personality development. It articulates the use of a Metatheory together with traditional empirical methods for framing of intrinsic and extrinsic sources of motivation that affects an individual’s cognitive and social development. Understanding of SDT is based on primary assumption that humans are naturally geared towards elements of growth and receiving new skills for the purpose of developing a cohesive understanding of oneself. Notably, performance in terms of quality effectiveness is essential for the purpose of attaining self-fulfilment. Therefore, in order to achieve high performance in each task and accomplish the goals set,  self-determination should be continuously sustainable over a long period.

Levels of Motivation in SDT

Intrinsic motivation is substantially the best representation of self-determination state and autonomy in behaviour in the context of performance. Intrinsic motivation is by inner and innate sources of inherent interest, passion and satisfaction, hence, regulating different levels of motivation among individuals. Intrinsically motivated persons engage in activities of their liking and choosing. According to various researches on human psychology, the construct of intrinsic motivation is essential in development of human cognitive and social behaviours and further enhancing enjoyment and vitality of life (Ryan & Deci, 2000). Nevertheless, those intrinsic motivated enjoy the element of autonomy which secures freedom to identify and engage in activities that bring self-pleasure and fulfilment. Through intrinsic motivation, the quality and level of performance in any activity carried out are significantly positive since a person is comfortable and willing to take up the task.

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Extrinsic motivation is the contrasting form of motivation to intrinsic motivation in self-determination theory. Extrinsic motivation is frequently viewed to be the antagonist aspect in the quest to attain self-determination. However, Ryan and Deci (2000), identify that extrinsic motivation is an instrumental tool in its nature. According to a research carried out, individuals who engage in extrinsic motivated activities are not performing the tasks out of personal interest rather mostly to achieve certain levels of separable outcomes. Self-determination theory proposes that extrinsic motivation varies largely in its level of regulation and autonomy (Vallerand, 2000).

The concepts of internalization and integration form the basis of extrinsic motivation and their regulation greatly determines the state of self-determination in performance of an activity. For instance, one student chooses to do his homework because he understands the impact it will have on his chosen career and another student merely does his homework because it is what his parents want him to do. Both students are performing the activity not because they enjoy the homework but due to extrinsically motivated behaviour. However, the former student enjoys a certain level of choice and personal endorsement while in the latter case, student’s behaviour is regulated by parental control hence not achieving little or no personal satisfaction.

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Factors Required in Promoting a Self-Determination State

In the performance context, three factors are to be observed in order to attain an effective state of self-determination. These factors equally motivate an individual to engage in any activity and take on new skills and experiences that ultimately bring fulfilment. The first factor that should be present is autonomy. Autonomy is a state of freedom of choice. It is attained when a person performs a task out of personal interest and motivation rather than due to external pressure or conforming to what other people want. An autonomous state is fundamental in the performance context since it gives an individual a feeling of control over personal goals and behaviour (Deci & Ryan, 2002). In turn, this state boosts growth and self-efficacy, motivating a person to achieve goals and targets set. Additionally, self-determination is established through allowing people within a given environment to take up tasks of their choice which also brings the feeling of fulfilment.

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