Free «Children Literature Books: Good Versus Bad Childhood» Essay
The two books selected for the analysis in this paper are both of the children’s literature genre. The Illustrated Mum by Jacqueline Wilson is an illustrated novel telling a story of a mother and her two daughters; Granpa by John Burningham is a picture book telling a story of a little girl and her grandfather. Many young readers all over the country enjoy these books, which are describing the real situations (Ewers 2009). Most children can relate the stories depicted in these books to own life experiences; this fact makes the stories even more fascinating. Granpa is a story of love and care; it is an example of the good childhood that a child gets from the grandparents (Clark 2003). On the other hand, The Illustrated Mum tells a story of a bad childhood; nevertheless, it teaches children on how to cope with the life challenges that usually arise in the family (Burns 2007). This research summarizes both books in the light of the good childhood vs. bad childhood perspective. In addition, the paper studies the main similarities and differences between the two books. Lastly, it presents the major challenging themes to the readers that are covered in these two books.
Summary of the Granpa Picture Book
The picture book Granpa is all about a good relationship of a kind, caring, and ailing grandfather and his small granddaughter Emily (Burningham 1985). The book employs colorful pictures to show the good times that the grandpa had with his granddaughter (Horning 1997). It is a perfect picture book because the images used are perfectly integrated into the narrated story; they provide the readers with the vivid picture of the events. Through the pictures, grandpa demonstrates imagination and understanding; he recalls the games that he used to play in his childhood and also understands Emily’s desire for adventures in her innocent life (Ruzicka 2014). Emily, on the other hand, is obedient, she does not argue with the grandpa’s decisions, but follows them accordingly; the girl is very understanding, as well. These qualities make them perfectly fit each other.
The books show contrasting pictures that cover different themes in the stories (Lipson 2000). The images not only reflect the differences in time but also separate the parts of the narration (Cadden 2011). Various pictures allow the author to hold the readers in suspense and encourage more reading. The use of colorful pictures helps increase the reader’s interaction with the story (Ewers 2009). As a rule, the readers, especially the young ones, are more attracted by the pictures stories that provide them with the broad understanding and emotional attachment. Moreover, numerous questions and suspense sentences in the book improve the interaction between the readers (Jalongo 2004).
Most important, the story demands a high level of interpretation and understanding from the readers. The themes are reflected in the picture; thus, the readers should employ their knowledge in art story in order to understand the characters of the story (O'Sullivan 2005). The pictures show love and mutual attachment. The grandpa has a fun time eating the strawberry ice-cream with Emily even though he thinks it is a chocolate one, telling true and imaginary stories, and just being together. The old man shows his strong feelings to the granddaughter by holding and hugging her (Lipson 2000). Emily is also very attached to her grandpa; at the end of the story, the girl looks very lonely, sad, and frustrated when she finds the chair of the grandpa empty.
At times, the pictures in the novel explain the text while, in other cases, they tell a completely different story (Ferguson 2011). They uncover the real message of the story by giving a broad explanation of what is narrated. Apart from the pictures, another challenging thing is employed by the author (Jalongo 2004). The characters of the grandpa and granddaughter are way too different (Clark 2003). Emily is an innocent little girl eager for adventures and wonders; she keeps asking questions, seeking for more information while grandpa is the source of such a valuable information and fun (Northrup 2012).
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At the end of the book, the grandpa passes away, and his chair is left empty; little Emily is so lonely in the big chair. The girl misses her grandpa and times that they used to spend together (Burningham 1985). The only thing that she has now is her grandfather’s loyal dog. Together with the dog, she climbs the hill, to be joined by the children from the grandpa’s stories. When the old man passes away, Emily is left with good memories of his grandpa and priceless experience of true love. Lastly, the author of the book strives to draw a loving story in the reader's mind (Northrup 2012). The readers can touch the emotions and feelings of the main characters and experience the happy times that the little girl had with her grandpa.
The book demonstrates the young readers the true value of the healthy relations with adults, which are the key to a good childhood (Cianciolo 2000). The book explains the children how to behave and treat parents in order to enrich their relationship. The Granpa picture book shows the readers how simply a child can get a good childhood (Ruzicka 2014). It changes the readers’ perception of a good childhood; for a little girl, leisure and different comforts are not as important as a good time with a loving grandfather that creates a lifetime memory.
The Granpa story effectively utilizes the irony, parody, and intertextuality. These tools are used both in the pictures and text of the story itself. It is ironical that the old man cannot distinguish the taste of the ice cream he tries while little Emily perfectly knows this simple thing (Kertzer 2002). In the story, Emily parodies her grandfather and imitates his activities. As her grandpa, Emily has own tools. Although being unable to plant the seeds, she is imitating what the grandpa is doing. She also pretends to be a nurse and taking care of her beloved grandpa; Emily wants to be real-life and wears a white cap with a cross similarity to those used by nurses (Cullinan & Person 2001). Lastly, while fishing, she imitates her grandpa’s action and throws a can into the water with the hope of catching a fish; nevertheless, she is too young to catch anything. The Granpa story employs both subsequent and contrasting focuses. A bright example of the plain text flow is the situation when grandpa thanks for a lovely chocolate ice cream, just to be corrected by Emily that it was not a chocolate but a strawberry one (Cianciolo 2000). Nevertheless, some passages in the story do not flow and show no relation. When grandpa says that there is no space for all seeds to be planted, Emily responds by asking whether the worms go to heaven or not. The striking question is left without an answer.
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The story is about a good childhood of a little girl Emily, which she shares with her lovely and kind grandfather; the good times end when the old ailing man passes away. In order to communicate the main message, the author describes several major events (Chaston & Moser 2012). By telling about the first planting in the garden and fishing, the author demonstrates the need of the parents’ participation in the life of a child through guiding, coaching, and simply loving (Clark 2003). By disguising Emily in a nurse and mother serving ice cream to the old grandfather, the author appreciates ambitions of the youngsters and their inherent willingness to help and care. The author uses contrasting pictures and incomplete passages in order to motivate and encourage the readers of the book. The stories of Noah ark, chivalrous, and a whale allow the users to fill in the gaps not narrated in the text and finish the story on their own. It also enhances the thinking processes, as well as active reading (O'Sullivan 2005). The book does not offer a multi-layer experience for the reader; it is a straightforward book meant for the children’s reading.
Summary of The Illustrated Mum
The Illustrated Mum tells a story of a family of a single mother named Marigold and two daughters: twelve-years-old Star and ten-years-old Dolphin. In the story, the narrator describes a short period that she can recall (Burns 2008). The events occur over a very short time; thus, the author can develop the theme and communicate the main message of the story. The events take place in a progressive sequence; consequently, the author ensures the best response from the readers (Ferguson 2011). The readers have to understand what a horrible childhood Star and Dolphin had. The author ensures that this goal is met. On the other hand, she makes all the events in the book happen so quickly in order to keep the readers interest by the intensity.
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The expected ending of the story was to provide solutions to all the girls’ problems and promise a better future for all. However, it is neither a happy ending nor a mismatch; in addition, it has an open form (Chaston & Moser 2012). Despite not being a traditionally happy one, the ending emphasizes the new beginning and hope. In the new life, the whole family is going to accept each other without the blame games, share mutual desire to put things together and fight for the happy future together (Ruzicka 2014). The ending perfectly fits and concludes the story; all that Dolphin desires is the hope for a better tomorrow, in which all her family members will live together again. In the end, the future so hoped by Dolphin can be seen, at last (Lehr 2007). Lastly, as the ending is open, it does not explain how the family would achieve happiness. All that is known is that the family members are ready to focus on the new happy beginning having no idea about the details.
The Illustrated Mum is a challenging novel for the young readers. As it is an open story, it requires the readers to use their imagination for picturing the events as they are happening in the text (Burns 2009). The young readers are required to understand the feelings that arise in different parts of the novel (Ewers 2009). The author employs the feeling of loneliness, being abandoned, and other strong emotions in the novel. The change of these feeling helps uncover the central theme of bad childhood.
The narrator of the story is the ten-years-old girl, Dolphin; she is the perfect narrator as she is the one to believe in reconciliation and happy future for the family despite any problems. All that she wants is a family that works together and loves each other (Meyer 2008). The girl vividly describes all the challenges that she has to overcome on the path to having a good family. Dolphin is the only narrator, and the whole story is told from her perspective; she tells about all the events with a strong hope for the happy tomorrow (Melrose 2011). She stays loyal to her mother throughout the story and encourages her sister to accept the family with all its shortcomings. At one time, she is jealous of Star for having a better life, being more popular at school, and dating an older boyfriend. The girl tries to befriend a shy boy Oliver; at last, she comes to terms with all these issues.
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According to the author, this book is meant for children; it is of the children’s literature genre. It helps children witness the difficult circumstances that some children have to undergo in their lives (Lehr 2007). The author does not consider children the passive readers who take the story literally; she perfectly knows that the story described in the novel is not a fiction one (Melrose 2011). On the contrary, the story described in the book may happen and actually happens to many youngsters who suffer from the bad childhood due to poor parental care (Matulka 2008). The author, thus, presents the story in a way that encourages and gives hope for the better future for those readers who experience their bad times.
The main character in this novel is the mother, Marigold. All the events in the book revolve around the woman fate and her weakness as a mother; her behavior, decisions, and illness influence the whole story (Grenby 2008). If she were a good and responsible mum, the characters of her daughters and her past relationships would have lacked the meaning. Therefore, Marigold is the perfect main character of this novel. Nevertheless, other characters play their crucial role; Dolphin is a stubborn little girl. She advocates her beliefs from the very beginning and clings to them despite all the challenges (Ewers 2009). Star, on the other hand, is a self-centered individual; she wants a happy life for herself and thinks that her mum is not good enough to provide the family with happiness. Both Mickies are the fathers who are willing to repair their horrible past; the two men are bright examples of the changed individuals (Burns 2005). Oliver is focused and determined young boy who is willing to help the girls despite any misfortunes. The environment has determined the family situation and shaped the behavior of the main characters: Dolphin and Star. Moreover, Star’s character has also been influenced by the desire to earn a good image at the school and live an ordinary life of a happy girl.
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The reader’s perception of the character’s changes as the novel progresses. At the initial stages, Star is not the same person as at the end of the story; she changes her attitude, accepts her mother’s condition, and reconciles with her sister in order to create a good family. Both Mickies, the Star and Dolphin’s fathers, also change because, at the end of the story, they appear to be responsible and good men (Mallan & Bradford 2011). Despite this character change, the author still does not tell the readers everything about the main characters. No one knows whether the fathers will take responsibility for their daughters afterward. The mother stays in the hospital, and the reader does not know whether she will get better and changes or not. Almost all characters in the book are the parts of a complicated network of symbols (Burns 2007). They demonstrate a psychologically convincing behaviors to the readers, which can be easily interpreted and related to own experience by the readers.
The novel also presents some thoughts on the values that children have in relation to the adults. The value of true love is well illustrated in the story. Dolphin loves her mother despite all her weaknesses; she thinks that the woman is a unique mum. In the society, children are taught to love their parents despite their weaknesses, and this fact makes children feel more comfortable with their daily duties (Ruzicka 2014). The value of responsibility is also well pictured in the novel. Dolphin is responsible for staying with her mother after intoxication; she is the one to decide on taking the woman to the hospital and also calling her unknown father. On the other hand, both Mickies, the father of Star and father of Dolphin, are also responsible for helping their girls. Micky, Star’s father, offer the two girls to stays with him because of their mother’s illness and behavior. Meanwhile, Micky, Dolphin’s dad, helps Dolphin get in the foster care family in order to ensure her well-being. Responsibility is one of the most valuable elements of the relationship between the parents and children. The values of acceptance and forgiveness are also well illustrated in the story (Cadden 2011). Burns (2005) asserts that children in this book demonstrate a lot of acceptance and forgiveness. Dolphin, on her side, accepts her mum regardless of her shortcomings, she also accepts her father, Micky, after meeting him despite the fact that the man abandoned her mother some years ago. Stars, on the other hand, recognizes her father, Micky, even though he also left her mother in the past. At the end of the story, the girl is ready to accept her mother, at last, regardless of her weaknesses.
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The events of the novel take place in London, UK in a small flat, in which the two girls and their mother live (Wilson 2005). Because of the location of their home, the girls’ mum can visit numerous nightclubs rather often. The two sisters go to the same school, which is another scene for the events. The school environment shapes the characters of the two due to relations with the peers (Burns 2009). Star’s character is significantly influenced by the school settings; she protects her image by ensuring that her friends never meet her mother.
The Illustrated Mum requires readers to have good understanding of the different environments, in which the author has put her characters (Grenby 2008). These environments are the primary attribution of the book.
The names of the girls are also symbolic; Dolphin’s behavior resembles the one of a dolphin: a loving and saving creature. Star, on the other hand, desires to shine (Krstovic 2011). Marigold wants to look the best way possible by making tattoos just as how the flower with different colors. The pictures in the books shows the settings, as well as explain the themes and ideas of the story.
The text is not didactic; it was not intended at any cost for giving instructions; it is a flow of events. In fact, the author tries to explain how the characters have become what they are now and why. At the very beginning, she asserts that in the heart of the story, there is a real-life mum with many tattoos and her two daughters (Wilson 2005). These forward opens the minds of the readers in their interpretation of the book. It also shows that the story is a flow of events, but not lessons (Burns 2009). The author uses the cliché characters in her book. It is obvious, for example, that a tattooed woman will turn to be an irresponsible and bad mother. Most tattooed people are considered to behave this way.
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The book front and the back covers help the readers understand the story (Matulka 2008). The cover features a tattooed adult and two decent girls; this picture clearly explains the plot of the book (Burns 2007). The back cover uses symbolic characters; Dolphin is represented like a dolphin, Star – like a big star, and their mother - like a marigold flower. It proves the symbolic meaning of the characters’ names.
Lastly, the author is trying to explain the difficulties that the children faces when their parents behave in a strange and unpredictable manner (Krstovic 2012). Looking at a tattooed mother who drinks a lot and suffer from a physical and mental disorder is quite challenging for any child (Mallan & Bradford 2011). These are some things that are considered taboos in the society; thus, children will always find it complicated to deal with such a situation. The author is trying to explain to little children how to handle the difficult situations if they occur in their lives.
The Similarities of the Two Books
The Illustrated Mum and Granpa have some similarities as far as the themes of a good and bad childhood is concerned (Burns 2005). The main similarity that steps out vividly in the two books is the theme of the children-parents’ love. Both books touch the love issue. In Granpa, the old man shows his love to the granddaughter by spending time with her (Ruzicka 2014). When he passes away, and his chair is left empty, little Emily is left lonely missing her grandpa as she loves him so much. In The Illustrated Mum, Dolphin demonstrates a lot of sympathy with her mother; she believes that her mother is unique and beautiful despite all the weaknesses (Krstovic 2012). The mother also loves her children; when Star leaves the home with Micky, the woman feels lonely not only because Micky will never be hers but also because she is losing her beloved daughter.
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Both books do not have a happy ending, but their endings are promising and give hope. The Granpa story ends with the death of Emily’s grandpa. The event seems to be too emotional for the little girl; nevertheless, in the very end, the readers see Emily on the hill with the grandpa’s old loyal dog (Burns 2009). The girl enjoys the good memories that she had with her beloved grandfather (O'Sullivan 2005). The Illustrated Mum ends on a promising note; both girls come to terms with the reality and are ready to focus on building a good relationship in their family, because, after all, it is the only family they have.
The Differences between the Books
Apart from the most obvious difference of one being a picture book and the other an illustrated book, the stories have some differences in their themes (Krstovic 2012). The Granpa story is a story of a small girl with an exceptionally good childhood. She enjoys spending time with her grandpa and lives in his love until he dies. On the contrary, the story of The Illustrated Mum shows an example of the unfortunate childhood (Grenby 2008). The two girls have no possibility to experience the ordinary life that many children have. Their mum is an irresponsible person and does not provide them with the due attention they require; thus, their childhood becomes rather difficult.
The behavior of the characters in the books is also very different. Despite being old, grandpa is responsible and knows the right way to treat little Emily (Burns 2009). Little Emily, on the other hand, is a very obedient girl who loves and enjoys time spent with her grandpa (Cadden 2011). In The Illustrated Mum, Marigold is a bad example of an irresponsible parent. She causes a horror life to her little daughters. Star is not proud of her mum and almost hates her. Therefore, the girl does not want her friends even meet the woman.
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The Challenging Theme and Issue of the Books
A common challenge in both books is the problem of the adult’s illness. It is always a difficult issue for the children when their parents or caregivers fall sick (Mallan & Bradford 2011). Emily says that grandpa cannot play today, and the reader sees a table with medicine on it. It is clear that the old man is ill and has to take medications. This situation is quite challenging for the poor Emily (Burns 2008). Marigold suffers from the bipolar disorder and also intoxicates herself due to depression; consequently, she is sent to the hospital for some time. As a result, Star and Dolphin are forced to stay under foster care; it is the only way to keep them safe while their mum is ill (Krstovic 2011).
Another challenging theme is the issue of unusual mum. Having a mother who is an unpredictable person outcasted by the society is quite difficult for a young individual. Therefore, the situation causes Star and Dolphin hard times at school, as well as the society (Ewers 2009). The issue of a single parent is another difficult theme addressed in The Illustrated Mum novel. Marigold was not married but had two daughters from different fathers (Keys 2009). It is a problem issue in parenting; if a second parent were near, he would have provided the family with the due support.
The issue of the foster care is the last challenging theme. It is painful to put children in the foster care despite having both parents alive (Meyer 2008). Star and Dolphin are placed in foster care, even though, their mother and dads are alive. In the story of Granpa, the reader is not told how Emily will live without her grandpa, as nothing is said about her parents. It is challenging to think how the little girl will cope without her grandpa (Clark 2003).
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The research paper studies the two books of the children’s literature genre. The books skillfully picture the themes of a happy and unfortunate childhood. The picture book, Granpa, tells a story of a little girl named Emily who spends a good childhood with her old and ailing grandfather. The book touches upon the theme of love, understanding, and care that adults should share with their children. The book uses pictures and short texts to deliver the message to the young readers. The second book, an illustrated book is entitled The Illustrated Mum narrates a story of two girls who have an awful childhood. Their childhood is a true horror because of their strange and unpredictable mother; she neither takes care of the children nor fulfills her responsibility as a mother.
In conclusion, the books consider very challenging themes. The issue of illness of a parent or caregiver is very difficult situation for any child. Other challenging themes include single parenting, putting children in foster care, as well as having an irresponsible parent with unpredictable character.
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