Free «George Orwell

Free «George Orwell "1984"» Essay

Book Review

George Orwell is a famous writer and author of the anti-utopia novel 1984 by means of his work created certain cultural code that influences social and political realities even nowadays. Depicting the exaggerated form of totalitarianism characterized by total oppression of human freedom, he managed to provide controversial perspectives for both future and current political realities. The great introduction of Orwell’s ideas into world’s society outlook mindset is represented through two opposite streams of its maintaining – following and prohibition.  Therefore, the investigation of the ways the current society reflects Orwell’s ideas of 1984 novel, will reveal certain political and social contradictions that had to be reconsidered in terms of social welfare.

In order to determine the place of the English writer, George Orwell, and his creativity in the contemporary ideological struggle, it is necessary to provide at least a brief description of the concept, in which he, without being a political scientist, nevertheless made a certain contribution. It is a question of the concept of totalitarianism, which played an exceptional role in the formation and dissemination of the anti-communism ideology. From the very beginning, this concept took a strongly anti-Soviet direction. From the 1950s, totalitarianism was defined as where every action - from raising children to production and distribution of goods - is sent and controlled from a single center (Arblaster 319). In the mass consciousness of the Western philistine, totalitarianism is associated with extreme forms of restriction of civil rights and freedoms of people, and these associations often take a frankly grotesque form due to the literary talent of George Orwell. The name of this prose writer and essayist has been living in two completely different socio-cultural dimensions for half a century. Therefore, his implication into the social and cultural background of the world’s community is represented on two levels – support and prohibition of the ideas highlighted in the novel.


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The exaggerated imagery and concealed symbols of the novel 1984 gave Orwell the opportunity to represent cruelty of dictatorship as obvious, to show how the person was destroyed, both spiritually and physically. Human souls are mutilated by propaganda and lies, given out for truth, two-minutes of hatred, parades in giant stadiums, marches day and night with flags slogans, and posters, portraits of leaders in hands, demonstrating loyalty to those in power, a terrible force that maintains Big Brother. The state keeps its inhabitants under the permanent control through surveillance, espionage, denunciations, but this is not enough. This image determines certain reality that strikes its readers with potential existence.

One of the brightest examples of Orwell’s novel’s strong influence on the social mindset that depicts his significance as certain cultural code, is censorship policy in Thailand. The point is that people in Thailand took part in the silent protest against military regime of General Prayuth that restricted human rights for freedom of word (Parry). The protest is considered the first time of the book usage, as the form of protest that led to arrests. The protest was held in the form of the silent demonstrative novel reading, warning about totalitarian threat. Besides that, later demonstration with the participants of anti-coup manifestation sharing the booklets with the text “Coup is Peace. Democracy is Junta. Ignorance is Strength” that is the reversed version of words of Big Brother from the novel took place (Parry). In addition, the planned screening of the film 1984 that was organized by The Punya Movie Club was cancelled by officers, who explained it by the political character of the movie (Parry). All these actions determined general social concern.

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Novel, as the tool of expression of the social position, was also traced in Egypt. There, the student was arrested for reading the novel 1984 (Youm). Such a society, appealing to the novel and deeply concerning of it, represents great influence of the ideas presented in the novel. It shows that Orwell did create certain cultural code that represents the right for freedom and mock totalitarian society. Therefore, Thai authorities consider this literature dangerous, due to its ability to reveal concealed motives of their policy.

Another sign of Orwell’s influence with his novel on the peculiarities of social and political life of world community can be considered the currency of the ‘Big Brother’ term. In terms of the novel, the term becomes a symbol for certain policy that implies constant shadowing of people in order to control their lives in terms of observation of authority rules. Nowadays, ‘Big Brother’ can be traced in different forms. The most influential way of influence is media and social networks. For instance, in Thailand the General Prayuth claims that, in their country, anyone can express their opinions, if willing, however, only in case it does not contradict NCPO (Haworth). This claim is supported by the confession of the local reporter Cherry, who told that after placing some photos and phrase regarding her oppositional attitude to junta policy on her Facebook profile, her program was taken off the air, as the one that can threat state policy (Haworth). The main problem that is in the current Thai media is that there are no strict limits defined by ‘Big Brother’ in accordance to the required authorities’ policy. Therefore, internet and media, with its direct access to the wide audience, serves as the main tool of ‘Big Brother’s’ manipulation, it also can be useful as the way to oppose it.

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Another example of Big Brother phenomena can be seen in the policy of the United Kingdom that was depicted in the novel. The first is the technological achievements that determine constant people shadowing. It goes about CCTV cameras that are set in the biggest cities of the UK and record people 300 times a day (The Telegraph). It is stated that the approximate number of such cameras in the country is more than four millions, which is the highest number, in comparison to other countries (The Telegraph). On the one hand, this fact represents high concern of the UK state authorities about the safety of its citizens. On the other hand, it represents the way state is able to control anyone anywhere, as ‘Big Brother’ is supposed to. Besides that, individual’s information is taken from the cards for public transport, mobile phone stores loyalty cards, etc. Therefore, people should be more cautious regarding the information that they share in public.

However, the brightest example of the ‘Big Brother’ concept in the UK is the introduction of Snooper’s Chart. Under the adopted law, telecommunications companies are required to keep records of users’ browsers history on the Internet within the last 12 months (Travis). These records include visited top-level domains, but no sub-pages. This supervision includes the activities of a special commissioner, appointed by the government, who will monitor the execution of the program and remedies for journalistic materials, protected from disclosure by law, as well as harsh sanctions for those who abuse their power. In general, the main idea of the law is based on reasonable arguments. As the Internet provides many ways for terrorists to conduct dangerous activities, it is necessary to prevent such interventions. However, for ordinary people, this law is considered as the intervention into their public sphere that deprives them of total privacy.

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Therefore, Orwell’s contribution to cultural heritage, in terms of the novel 1984, can be seen on another level. It goes about entertainment media that uses Orwell’s connotations, in order to create provocative reality-shows. For instance, the reality- show ‘Big Brother’ is originated in the USA and is also aired in the UK. The rules of the reality show are simple: for a few days, the participants live in this house, isolated from society and conducting certain tasks. The one, who lasted the project the longest, gets a monetary prize. In general, show is distinguished by its entertaining character. It can be seen that the aspect of isolation is introduced into the show as the significant component of ‘Big Brother’ concept that corresponds to the idea of the show to Orwell’s novel. Another UK reality that is connected with the novel is called “Room 101”. It is BBC comedian show that supposes that celebrities talk about their pets dislikes in different categories. In particular, it corresponds to the definition of the room 101, as the one that contains the worst human’s fears and is considered as the torture room. However, in case of this show, only a part of connotation is taken, in order to convey necessary audience’s emotional feedback.

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Another humorous implementation of Orwell’s conception can be traced in the personality of Comical Ali. Being the spokesman of Saddam Hussein with the real name Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf, he became popular due to his unreasonable claims regarding the power of Iraq. His daily information briefings during the phase of active hostilities in Iraq made him practically a cult figure. He was dedicated to the site “WeLoveTheIraqiInformationMinister.com”, which was created on the basis of admiration for al-Sahhaf and his public statements, such as “…They hold no place in Iraq. This is an illusion... they are trying to sell to the others an illusion” (Saeed al-Sahaf). Due to the evident lie and Ali’s strong position in terms of media, he can be observed as the bright representative of Orwell’s philosophy from the novel, according to which totalitarian authorities can claim anything, regardless of the real facts, if it is necessary to obtain certain audience’s response to control the situation.

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Although, the popularity of Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty Four remains high, it becomes even more wide spread in the United States. The reason is in the so-called Kellyann Conway effect. After Trump’s adviser Kellyenn Conway used the expression “alternative facts” on Sunday, January 22, to describe the apparent lies of the Trump administration, in particular, about the number of participants in the inauguration ceremony for the president, 1984 soared to the top of the list of bestsellers of the online store Amazon (Freytas-Tamura). Therefore, she, like all other citizens of Oceania, must have the so-called “doublethink”, which in 1984 is described as the ability to simultaneously have two opinions that contradict each other and to know that they are contradictory, but to believe both of them. Orwell’s influence is felt in the fact that the United States. has elected a president who does not produce the impression of the present; Trump seems to be a virtual president. In reality, he is just a television picture, almost like ‘Big Brother’. The book expresses doubt whether the ‘Big Brother’ really exists, or is it only on a screen. In addition, the same thing is with Trump. His figure is almost so ridiculous that it can be a parody to be watched on TV. Another reason of such recent popularity is the effect of the ‘Big Brother’. Every time there is surveillance on the agenda, starting with Snowden in 2013 and ending with Trump’s false statements about listening to the Trump Tower, the popularity of the book is growing. False news and “alternative facts” determine Orwell’s fame.

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In general, Orwell’s novel 1984 represents the way literature can determine certain reality. The author reveals not only totalitarianism, not only its Soviet and German variants, but also certain moments in the life of the postindustrial society: he introduces a world with opposite representation of the normal human values, based on mutual respect. Remaining the most expressive art document, Orwell’s book, at the same time, rejects the equally rooted idea that totalitarianism is irresistible. The writer discovered secret springs that determine the development path, the forms of manifestation and the horrendous consequences of totalitarianism; yet he is optimistic: human nature is not defeated, which means that there is still the possibility of overcoming totalitarian regimes. Moreover, this is the main message of the novel that inspires contemporary society to preserve human rights.

Orwell’s novel 1984 implies ideas that influence on the social and political aspect of the real life society. Being determined by social and political events of the 20th century that was distinguished by revolutions and wars, it became a model of literature of prevention, in which dangerous trends in society are presented as realistic and as those that led to catastrophic consequences. The current events in Thailand, Egypt, policy in the UK and general media reality represent wide influence and depiction of the novel in contemporary world. At the same time, Orwell’s book today is a cultural code that denotes struggle for freedom and praises human rights.

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